
1 Samuel 2: 12-15

Now the sons of Eli were wicked; they had respect neither for the LORD 13. nor for the priests’ duties toward the people. When someone offered a sacrifice, the priest’s servant would come with a three-pronged fork, while the meat was still boiling, 14. and would thrust it into the basin, kettle, caldron, or pot. Whatever the fork brought up, the priest would take for himself. They treated all the Israelites who came to the sanctuary at Shiloh in this way. 15. In fact, even before the fat was burned, the priest’s servant would come and say to the one offering the sacrifice, “Give me some meat to roast for the priest. He will not accept boiled meat from you, only raw meat.”

Note: Shiloh means place of rest.  Many religious scholars who had to learn Hebrew tells us that the writing over the entrance at the wailing wall in Jerusalem is read as mausoleum (inside cemetery). In physiology( 5 biblical sciences), the meat of this verse is a description of a DNA movement in the humans. Come learn with us.