Iron smith

Isaiah 44: 12-16

The iron smith fashions a likeness, he works it over the coals, Shaping it with hammers, working it with his strong arm. With hunger his strength wanes, without water, he grows faint. 13. The woodworker stretches a line, and marks out a shape with a stylus. He shapes it with scraping tools, with a compass measures it off,
Making it the copy of a man, human display, enthroned in a shrine. 14. He goes out to cut down cedars, takes a helm tree or an oak. He picks out for himself trees of the forest, plants a fir, and the rain makes it grow. 15. It is used for fuel: with some of the wood he warms himself, makes a fire and bakes bread. Yet he makes a god and worships it, turns it into an idol and adores it! 16. Half of it he burns in the fire, on its embers he roasts eat; he eats the roast and is full. He warms himself and says, “Ah! I am warm! I see the flames!”