
Lamentations 3: 27-37

It is good for a man to bear the yoke from his youth. 28. Let him sit alone and in silence, when it is laid upon him. 29. Let him put his mouth to the dust; there may yet be hope. 30. Let him offer his cheek to be struck, let him be filled with disgrace. 31. For the Lord's rejection does not last forever; 32. Though he punishes, he takes pity, in the abundance of his mercies; 33. He has no joy in afflicting or grieving the sons of men. 34. When anyone tramples underfoot all the prisoners in the land, 35. When he distorts men's rights in the very sight of the Most High, 36. When he presses a crooked claim, the Lord does not look on unconcerned. 37. Who commands so that it comes to pass, except the Lord ordains it;