J. & J. Auldridge, Blanchard, OK

Blanchard, OK

Dad spent thousands of dollars only to discover he'd built the property's new garage on the wrong side of the property line. He got a legal notice to that fact hung on his front door. Following up with the many legal interests, Dad finally agreed to sue the reality investment group who planned, built, and sold the homes he was living in. He and his wife, my step-mother, or better step-father/mother were just two more people being dooped by the reality group into believing the house of their dreams was only steps away. Dad always said he judged by the color of a man's coat...that day, when the notice was hung on the front door, he had to rethink the colors because the foundation for that new garage/shelter had been lain, and he was into the bank for thousands of dollars! How had the bank failed to acquire the proper survey papers was beyond us, but things didn't come up correctly and Dad's garage was sitting on the someone else's land.

Grasped onto the Lord, Dad starting praying with a daily diligence. Rearranging his soft iron grated crosses and religious plaques that hung on the wall, he finally requested the prayers from other state judges. Collapsing into a state of depression and going in and out of the hospital emergency rooms some became weekly hospital stays. Giving in to it all Dad finally settled down to working with an eye impairment that numbed his entire head. Still in all with the Lord on his side, he continued and finished building the garage. Standing holding the handle of his favorite iron rack, he hoped the court would find things in his favor. Sashaying around the small town, we all felt he was doing the best thing for himself by getting his mind off of the matter. But, his depression lead him to gambling, other women, and finally taking large amount of over-the-counter drugs that "help to kill his feelings" about the horrible way he and his wife and their money was being treated.

Here is where the miracle of Christ came into grind. While holding a private in-home church prayer-a-thon, we felt the presence of the Lord come upon us. Dad spoke in tongues along with his sister-in-law, Paulie. His wife, Jamison, lifted up a cup to the ceiling and shouted to the Lord slowly lowering her arms saying, "Send us peace, Lord." With in days, news came from Dad's lawyer. The Realtor wanted to settle the differences. They wanted to help pay the hospital expenses. They wanted to resurvey the property, "Get a better reading." ... "That is the best way to handle this matter."

I, for one, never heard what happened after that, but going over to Dad's house one day, there sat the garage completely finished, plus a wooden fence surrounding the his new land adding another 5 feet from the new garage's backside. Set in a perfect 45 degree angle, the new land survey enclosed almost 20 feet more of land completely down the preexisting property line! It was a miracle, a God given miracle. Where did all that land come from. We all smiled at the answers given back for a simply daily prayer followed by a prefect love of God. This one I will remember always! A simple home church prayer-a-thon completely changed our lives into another new and blessed day. Praise Jesus, for he is Lord.