Justin Blankenson, Mid-Wisconsin


What a shock it was seeing Dad haul in the box of our Jesus trinkets the 5 of us had made for him over the last few years. He said nothing to our silent, solemn inquiry has he dropped the half heavy box onto the floor. We watched as he went out to the car and closed the trunk hood down. Back on the porch we sat staring at him watching him slowly walk up the steps towards us.

Stopping he said, "Your Dad's new business partner is showing some unexpected demands about the pictures and plaques. As workers we have to scale down the attention we're giving religion in the work place .... It was totally unexpected." Pausing dad continued by saying, "I did ask what was the concern and urgency?" Shrugging his shoulder he smiled and said, "His only reply was that it would be necessary to allow everyone to display their personal trinkets of devotion if he allowed anyone one religion to." Smiling, he dropped his head and again continued, "He felt it cluttered the offices with religious advertisements, and we all had to scale down to one small item with 'no' direct reference to any religion we were worshiping. He finished his request with "Sorry, but that's the final word.""

We stared up at him. Dad's happy simile made us also smile. Looking at the box of goodies Jeff and Turner stood up and grabbed the brown box container and carried it across the porch and through the front door. We watched the two of them push it through the opening pushing the box of papers and plaster into and then onto the dining room table.

Pledging, Dad finished by saying, "In this house we will serve the Lord. As far as at work, thank God we can say no to the devil and his workers."

I wasn't really sure what dad meant but he was happy everyday he came home...he truly looked blessed. All the clothes, crosses, and other pins he worn on holidays stayed at home from then on. Confident, at times he remark to some request from us and reiterate, "I don't have to be confronted by others ideas and with their diem. I was beginning to fight with them...defending the Lord. What do we have to defend...it is our country the country of Jesus. I was no longer saving souls, I was fueling Satan's need to confuse the ignorant to the power and might of Christ's salvation. Jesus Christ is the only winner!"

Through a simple task at my father's work I'm learning to sit and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Lord's mighty hand.

Amen today and Praise God always.