Matthew Notter, Lake Notterknob, Washington

Lake Notterknob, Washington

I didn't know how I was really living until one day I was stopped dead in my tracks an stood waiting on the Lord to service me into His personal attention. In those days nothing could replace my demands to have an entire, upon the earth, rock and roll artist CD collection. I spent every dime I made to build one. Deep in the music scene, I never thought a thing of giving to anyone other then my own me, that was final!

Living in my own small house, I turned one entire bedroom into just Cd's shelves....there must have been 20 stacks in all. Spending little for the shelving itself, the collection was crammed onto miss-matched blocks of wood, bricks, and plastic slats of plywood, park bench rails, and cinder blocks. I had no time for designer cabinets let alone doors to shut them in ...everything, every album, every jewel case had to be out and showing off the disk's title to me. That was the way I wanted all of it to be.

When christian rock music came onto the music scene I went after it as well. Grabbing a few from a store rack, I'd purchase several at a time starting another series of artists that was making it on the standard music stations...crossing-over is the term Djs use.

I had my first Christ-like experience with my own personal Christian music choice. It was the lyrics that caused something within me. Dancing against the celling, I saw small figures begin to whirl while still other components of the room blended in with the swirls and movements of the flowing dancers. Jesus was the focus of the music's words, and the dancers movements worked inside my mind. The three seperate elements twirled around and above me. Cruising, I layed back against my double pile of pillows. The heavy sounds of the christian rock tempos chased along with them. Drifting off to sleep, I'd finally wake up into a room of pure silence.

Standing against the row of Christian Cd's, I saw one of the same figurine dancers moving around. Half-open-eyed I stared at it. Pulling myself forward I finally sat up to get a closer look. Startled by a sudden sound, the music began again. And, the shortest figurine move towards me. "Ma-ush, na-ich" I stumbled on my words wondering what this guy was about to do. The little fella raise one arm waving upward towards something at the ceiling. Following him, I forced my speared-struck eyes upward only to turn back to where the shadowy short figure once stood. I drift off to sleep again though I still heard the Christian rock and roll sounds bellowing around the room.

This may seen strange to persons who's never tried the Christian music world, but I spoke to many other groups after this experience and they, too, said they saw a short figure with a lot of shadowy dancers. Some true believers even told short bible stores illustrating what they had seen. I'd slowly became a believer in Christ. Perhaps this seems simple to some people but I saw Jesus and he danced with me. Every time I play christian music while in a deep slumber Jesus would return to me until finally I got up to dance with Him and the other figurines...thereby, they saving my soul. I still do listen to other music but I never see anything. With Jesus music, I see the Lord!

Kids out there try to listen to God music! Jesus is waiting to take you away from it all. He loves the heavy beats of rock and roll music, and He wants to dance with you too. Amen. - Matt N.