Yucin Placithere, Bolder, Colorado

Bolder, Colorado

There they were again. Standing at the front door. Seven persons with a deep grudge against me. The Christmas of 2009 was going to be the last time I had to sit through this pitiful displays of do their rules for the holidays. The family names of Brown, Aldridge, and Poteet seven persons who'd prepared a thrill every holiday for me.

Dragging through the door a little under one hundred presents. The newly arriving guest would come through the ajarred door mumbling under their breath.With the Santa Claused, square boxed, ribboned melee` they'd take over the place with their gifts. My son, Anthony, with his femme-de-femme side-kick, Bruce, would greet them while darting in and out the open door with piles of the unopened Santie gifts. Always, each year, with a side of the mouth tone they would acknowledge me, seizing opportunities for second and any future jabs when they saw me in the house. Now the presents arestacked up around the tree and over taking the bedrooms, they'd qickly split into groups to be the first to the bedrooms they preferred most...leaving Anthony's family to sleep on the floor ( the biggest gripe is about the sixty year old who also had to sleep on the floor to accomadate the two teenagers to having the beds along with their mom and daddy). Dinner would be served in their traditional style. There too was a pile of traditions! (A little wayward from biblical ideals to a way of life in Christ.) Well anyway, the guest parents served the kids including our familt's youngsters. That is, by their definition, getting what the 'in laws' wanted (I italicized inlaws because the arriving guests, now got to be in laws or members of the FBI and needing a cover while at the house, wow! Taking over everyone youngsters seemed to be the way the holiday's secret covert operation). After dinner the presents are passed out. Only the two teens are allowed to handle the gifts. Giving the presents out by the name on the card some gifts never found Santa's helper. "Sometimes the card can get lost," their mama would say. They're lost! If the lost card problem should occur, and it does, the pretty present is put into a pile and later given as a grab bag presents for who ever is closest to the pile, well that's the two teenagers!  Getting up for food seconds is really a waste of time. The duty of the femme teenagers is to get any leftovers to their parked and loaded curb-side car. From there dragging out the musical instruments mainly violins and harmonicas to begin playing on the things at arriving back inside the warm and cozy living room. As usual, the listeners would blunt sneer and taunt in second voices at you if anything was said about the 2 hours rehearsal of their very bad playing. Pointing a TV remote at your face, they press a button down over and over again while seconding you to shut up the instruments players were favorites of theirs. Next is the seven dogs. They too would be a the festivities. Sadly, the guest don't clean up after any of the animals not even the four they bring to the Christmas celebration. Thus leaving the residents at home to remove all the animal waste from around the house the next morning...and, I mean from a-r-o-u-n-d the house...droplings are scattered everywhere. Well as the morning rolls on, the highly questionable tradition is the Chevy Chase Christmas lapoon porn movie. It gets played several times through while, fathers snuggles with daughters and mothers snuggles with sons. Ever so slowly the couples would snooze out on the sofa awakening at the slightest movement to change the TV to something else. Along with is the struggling for my family's plans and any future plans not be erased in their secret FBI covert operation. Finally, after hours of this type of Christmas celebration and a quart of whiskey, the laughing, squealing, frolicking guest would drag all the opened presents, including some of the other Santa things back into the curb-side SUV for the trip back to their home leaving the vacant house to whomever was left behind. That, CTC, is Christmas a in private Christian school family...porn, liquor, bed snatching, and lost presents, piles of dog poop, questionable music and left with the mess. The Christmas of 2009 I left during the porn expo's first run through.

When the issue of Christmas 2010 came around, I prayed to the Lord about it. I didn't want to abandon my kid on Christmas day viewing the other three families as filth, so I petitioned God. Praying for the best thing to do, I prayed in spirit and with a full spirit fulled with my need of the Lord's guidance. Recalling the prodigal son I knew Anthony would be broke when he got home but he'd be back home very soon. Deciding on the heart, I  felt within I should just simply stay home. Gathering my composure, I told Anthony of my plans of skipping the 2010 Christmas.

I heard these three non-Mexican families are having a Mexican dinner on Thanksgiving. More importantly, being an Italian family our last name means 'noel'. Italian speaking family members upon hearing of what was happening and what I decided to do told me the meaning of the three guest families. The word Brown is pedophile, Aldridge is to vomit, and Poteet means to defecate. Smiling at the decision to never return, God willing, I know that Jesus is powerful and Jesus is Lord!