Anthony Leon Uturnum, Anchmore, Oregon

Anchmore, Oregon

The Resurrection from Grünewald's Isenheim Alt...Image via WikipediaThe only way I judge if I have truly found my way to Jesus is whether of not I too have a new, sporty, sports car. I found that prayer for gifts is the best way to get goodly, godly presents that lead me towards the Christ. I want a handsome, will intended lifestyle with the best possible results for my Mom and me. The guy next door has a the new sport car with a beautiful red interior and a silver streak outside finish...all brand spanking new!

It has all the buttons any person would want...yeah, a real girl getter! I'd usually watch him load his butt up into it and start the engine. Only to watch the silver thing pull out into the fast lane of life. Being the driver, he'd believe he made the best possible playground for himself. I found the best gifts are the ones I get from God Almighty.

I found my way to Jesus remembering the pleasures, in our everyday lives, are the ones we stand for while gather at the river. Standing on the edge of a river bank, I'd watch the many boats being pulled along with any and all cargo that's was going up or down the low watch side of its resources. Flung like a stone...remembering eternally a shiny, sporty, silver sports car...all the many people who rode along in the seat next to him! So very few made it back home the same way.

I, Anthony, for one, did. I now open the door to a new European silver streak. Its has a black interior, and, yeah, it has the buttons. But, only the ones I need, or will ever use. That is a way to Christ Jesus, the fewer the buttons the better! Thanks for your time, and remember Jesus saves!