Jesus, of course, being the true vine became the nautilus for the over-spirited take over of an older building in a strip mall. Using money from local churches, they caused a fall to prostitutes and drugs. These once notorious persons of the Italian cartel were now parading around a city of less then 5,000, drunk as skunks, and barking orders to anyone who thought little of them.
They, taking over a largest building in a complex, they opened it to the sales of spirited alcohols. Their personal distillery came to our attention when the newly, illegial company made demands of the state court house for protection. Seems other locals were making a ruckus towards the spirited opponents. They quickly learned the state, or the city, had made special allowance for the business of selling varies types of wine and alcohol...and, as it was, alcohol was overly protected, and completely out of the formal city statutes. And so the city quickly became over run with every type of sociopath imaginable.
Calls for help flooded the dispatch office. Persons were arming themselves while seeking protection with the state's national guard units. Fighting thugs, once favored in motion picture fame, were now running around the city thinking we were letting them into our personal lives, including our families, homes, and place of employments! They demanded relief of an animal's swollen gentiles while demanded the internal organ's of human. Their twisted, mutant faces swarmed our streets. We were virtually living in a city of zombies. Every face was something from ancient Rome, Egypt, and Israel. Some called them dogs, others called them stray pets and pigs. Within one year, the monsters became so thick that slavery was vogue. Calling on a god they called 'the moon', we, the citizens of the city, began to deeply suffer from the the abuse of these alcoholic addicts.
A Christian movement called a 'Ligature' was developing in the city. Though very small it was through those believers that biblical scripture became a front line issue. Jesus Christ stood up in the modern world from definitions of the olden words, and the newness of the religious thought caused a revival for a renewal of learning towards holy scriptural scriptures. Without seeing it the Ligature movement grew an wave of salvation began to sweep across the city. And with that religious movement's lectures the faces of the monsters could be seen by every honest citizen in the town. With it, the town began to read more scripture wanting that newness. Through the grace of God, the Semites were also unclothed.
As they, still watching inside our homes by using the Internet as access; and we, with the grace of God, tell the story of these hidden monsters. We, the city law enforcement, just shake our heads as we arrest and jail to await trial of these human animals on liquor.
Thanks and God bless you all.