Emily Pace, Michigan


I want to tell you about how I met Jesus. He saved my baby for sadness and rejection, and today we are blessed and happy in founding a way to Him and His house.

Jesus found me the day my daughter, Lynn, was turned down to play a part in her first junior high school drama. She was devastated when someone else was chosen for the part of Elizabeth in the play Escape to Witch Mountain, one of her most favorite books. The way she cried all day made my heart break, so we went out to get a soda and a burger to help heal the wounds of her misfortune. I didn't realize how important the part in the play was until she started to withdraw further into herself. Down-heartened she stopped most of her friendships and she sat at home and watched the TV all day.

Overall, for me, I wasn't a prayerful person but 6 months went by and my little girl, Lynn still wasn't herself. I started to pray to Jesus and promised to help Him in anyway I could if He would see my little Lynn through this terrible disappointment in her life. I put a few coins in the plastic containers at grocery store check-out adding a small pray for her with each coin I dropped in. And I waited hoping I was working in the right direction to better my little girl chances of healing.

I was surprised one morning when I woke for sleeping by the sounds of music coming from the living room. I pulled my robe over my pajamas and slide into my bedroom slippers. The music was playing a favorite song of Lynn's, and I smiled as I pulled open my bedroom door because there she stood, Lynn, dancing to the beat of the music. She moved around in circles just like a fairy bouncing off leaf pedals covered with a morning dew. She looked so beautiful. I stood in the bedroom hallway and quietly clapped as she spun around and around.

I just lowered my head and crossed my palms and said, " Thank you Jesus. Thank you."

With that miracle, I sought a good prayer full church to take little Lynn to and learn of other Jesus miracles for I had witnessed the powerful healing authority of our Lord Jesus Christ. There Lynn blossomed into a beautiful young girl. She so enjoyed the Sunday services and her youth bible studies. She made more friends and grew strong in the mighty hand of a forgiving God.

She successfully integrated herself into the loving arms of her many christian friends, and was asked that very December to play the part of Virgin Mary in the church's nativity play of Christ's birth. Lynn was a professional, she recited every line flawlessly. God had made her a beauty and she beamed with His loving light...amen, Jesus. Jesus, Jesus is good. Thanks you Jesus. Now, there Lynn stood my little girl standing on top of a pile of boxes trying to see over top of the nativity play narrator who was calling out to the audience that "Jesus is Lord". I watched her sway back and forth trying to look out at the audience and all the while smiling at everyone sitting down. Now, that girl stood on a goodly stage excepting an God given award for her special performance.

Jesus saved my little girl. I put just a few coins in a plastic bucket! My baby was healed. I love you Jesus. I love you. God Almighty I love you too. Praise be to the Lord. And, you to Jesus. Amen