My salvation came through the purchase of a small porcelain angel. I should say the porcelain is really ceramic, but to me the funny colored cherub is all the world to me. Let me tell you about her.
I pulled her from the plastic bag she was wrapped in and placed her up on my desk's book shelf. And, this is where the story of my salvation began. Let me tell you about it.
The angel sat empty for a few days...what I could do with her secret tummy box? What could I put inside? Something with a lasting memory and needed protection was my idea! Finally one afternoon while cleaning up my desk I found an old rugged cross I got from the vending machine at Wally's. I twirled the yellow iridescent plastic around and around in my fingers. The cheap black string twisted up on the yellow thing's neck while I stared at the gooey liquid inside of the simple crossed shape. With nothing to do but daze, my focus stopped at the new tummy angel with her painted golden belt. Pulling on her head I opened the box. Then sheepishly stuffed the yellow crucifix deep into the bottom of her holy, secret bowl. Still amazing, and later, I found another cross with a red stone. I even found the cheap metal cross with the words 'Jesus Loves You' etched on it...agh! Hey, where were all these crosses coming from? Was I being blessed by the spirit I twirled around in my own head? Confused but affirmed, I stuffed the crosses, string and all, into her open belly box bowl and closed her head back down on it all. They laid inside glowing and silent.
A spirit move over me. I fought with the warring angels, as do each of us, in the struggled to protected the little cherub contents. Her life hung in the balance, her holy contents were silent and strong. Yes, my precious protection! Your life story will find a way into the light? I service the Lord! Looking heavenly up at her on the shelf, I know in my heart of she holding on to my crosses as I am protected from life's harm to do a service for her and for those three crosses laying within her clasped down belly and golden belt. My struggles seemed to end days before when I found and placed an old broken heart charm inside God's angel dollar a tree of life began! That broken heart seemed to be the final thing needed inside with the holy celebrated contents, but the war wages onward and ever more for all the heavenly people. I will serve the Lord, and Jesus is that Lord!